Cloning Config Files for IVPN in Network Manager

Quickly setting up WireGuard VPN connections based on functional connections

The Problem: Various Papercuts

For the longest time, I could not figure out where the configuration files were hiding for my IVPN configuration files after setting them up via the official setup guide for Linux.

Although IVPN has already released an app that is quite convenient for connecting to all available VPN servers, having the connection be set up in Network Manager seemed less of a hassle in the long run. My /etc/resolv.conf file would not need to be manually fixed because of lingering DNS addresses that were only accessible while using my VPN, Tailscale seemed to play more nicely, and KDE Connect was less problematic.

Location of the Config File

Although I am using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, these steps should apply to most current Linux distros using Network Manager.

Once I created any IVPN connection using the official steps, my files would emerge in:


Creating a Placeholder

Using sudo or as the root user, duplicate the file. The following fields should be changed to the ones relevant to the new server, replacing everything <> field with the appropriate values:

  • id= <NAME>
  • uuid=<Generate from uuidgen>
  • interface-name=<NAME>
  • [wireguard-peer.<Server Public Key>]
  • endpoint=<domainname>:<udp port="">

Afterwards, reboot.

I know, that sounds extreme. I tried systemctl restart NetworkManager but the WiFi connection icon disappeared. I will update this post if I figure out something more efficient.